Here is the PMC National MDCAT 2024 Preparation guide by Dr.Talha. Talha is the MDCAT topper. Our team conducts an interview with him. Read below the complete interview with preparation guidelines.
- How to get maximum marks in MDCAT
- How to Prepare MDCAT
- Smart Tips For MDCAT Preparation
- Guidelines from toppers
- MDCAT Notes and Practice (Guide)
Now an MBBS Student at Quaid Azam Medical College. Our team arranges an interview with Talha. if you have any questions drop comments Talha will reply you as well as help you in getting your goal.
So guys keep reading for amazing tips and the motivational success story of Talha.
First of all team, MDCAT Guide says thanks to Talha who gave us time for the interview and very effective and practical tips for the MDCAT Students.
we know the way we show the way
The journey of Failure To Succes ( Motivational Sucess Story)
Before Asking a question about the NationalMDCAT And success story I want to share the success story of Talha Khan. journey of failure to success will motivate you if you are a medical entry test repeater.
So keep reading.
I was born in 1997. My mother brought me in front of Nana Abu. When he inquired my name, mom said, "Talha."
Nana Abu at once Replied, "Not Talha, he's Dr. Talha." And from that day, he used to call me "Dr. Talha."
Nana Abu at once Replied, "Not Talha, he's Dr. Talha." And from that day, he used to call me "Dr. Talha."
Talha FS.c Story Begins Here
But the real story begins with my class of Fsc.In part 1st, my bio was very weak. And when the exams were taken, the worst thing was my Biology paper. I got my paper canceled afterward with the thought in mind that I'd take the paper again in the Annual.
But when the result was declared, my scores in Chemistry and Urdu were 69 and 63 respectively courtesy of checkers. This was definitely heart-rending. I didn't take both Biology and chemistry in the annual, next year.
My plan was to improve these 3 subjects i.e. bio, chemistry, and Urdu. but by the time, I came to know that I couldn't sit in the hall for the cause of the improvement, I was to take the left papers first.
Now, I had 2 subjects of part 2, biology and chemistry to prepare for.I took the examination and sat in the MDCAT with the trembling hope of admission.
Nothing appreciably was done. Now, this was my 4th year of FSc, the year of improvement of marks in Biology & chemistry. All used to say "yaar Teri yeh Fsc hai ya FS.?" But, I didn't lose hope and believed in God and myself.
Next came the MDCAT 1st of 2017. I wept and wept as I got only 841. But, as time went on, it was revealed that I was among the Top 1000.
Another worst thing still was to happen, the result day of FSc. I was expecting 980+ but when I saw my result card, It was saying only 952. Time to shed tears again came.
MDCAT Story Begins Here
And I did the same.
By putting the story in a nutshell, MDCAT was retaken and I scored a sky kissing(not for me, but for my family) 1004.
And yeah, now I'm a proud Quaidian.
I just wanna say, never lose hope,.Let them say what people say. Just focus on your goal and score it.
By putting the story in a nutshell, MDCAT was retaken and I scored a sky kissing(not for me, but for my family) 1004.
And yeah, now I'm a proud Quaidian.
I just wanna say, never lose hope,.Let them say what people say. Just focus on your goal and score it.
10 Smart Study Tips How To Prepare PMC MDCAT
As already Talha khan wrote he got 1004 marks in the Medical and dental college admission test (MDCAT)
Here is the interview of a successful man Talha khan Student of Quaid Azam Medical college Bhawalpur.
MDCAT guide team ask 10 questions.
This is light for you always follow right path to get sucess
Question 1. (Introduction of Talha)
Tell us about yourself?
Well, I'm Talha Khan.MBBS Student at Quaid Azam medical college Bhawalpur.I did my Matriculation from a Govt. High School and Intermediate from an Academy Situated in Kot Addu, a Tehsil of Dist.Muzaffar Garh.
Question 2 (About Initial Preparation of FS.c And MDCAT)
Did you attend an academy for National mdcat and fsc preparation?
As I jotted down earlier, I did my entire F.Sc from an academy and Tackled the MDCAT syllabus from KIPS Campus, Multan.
Question 3 (How To make Study Timetable)
What was your timetable?
Well, there's no timetable. The more I got free time, the more I studied.
The main thing is, I used to prepare my daily tests and lectures on a daily basis.
The main thing is, I used to prepare my daily tests and lectures on a daily basis.
Question 4 (memorizing Tips)
Tell us about your way of memorizing did you learn or write?
Amm...Both.Those topics which are hard to tackle are memorized by writing and vice versa. But, here I must add, One must grip the basic concepts.
Question 5 (Best time For MDCAT Preparation)
Nowadays Many Students, Start prep during FS.c, did you start during FS.c?
No. Mdcat needs much more time. While doing Fsc, a student must focus on Fsc syllabus.
Question 6(How to select best Notes & Books)
What do you think are important? Notes or books?
Both are important. Books have fewer concepts and more words. One must make notes to write basic concepts and other things for revision.
You can't prepare your MDCAt with full grip without making notes.
You can't prepare your MDCAt with full grip without making notes.
Question 7 (Recommendation About MDCAT Guide Dot Com)
Did you recommend MDCAT Guide Dot Com for downloading notes and study tips?
If a student of MDCAT wants to score good marks in MDCAT, he must have clinch knowledge from every possible
source. Knowledge doesn't let you down. It is always beneficial.
I recommend MDCAT Guide dot com Because it saves your time all MDCAT Related to the Latest study stuff as well as practice papers and notes available here for free.
source. Knowledge doesn't let you down. It is always beneficial.

Question 8 (Be Motivated)
How did you keep motivated toward your goal?
Just one thing.I have made up my mind that I've to succeed and that's it.I showed it to the world at the end.
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Question 9( Last message from Talha)
Your last message to your junior MDCAT?
Hardships are part of life. If you stumble, get back up and move closer to your dreams. After you'll get success, none will remember your falls.
Just instill one line in your mind:
"I can, I will."
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Just instill one line in your mind:
"I can, I will."

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Important Note
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